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Yasmin Jay

Boss Babe: Yasmin Jay

Company: Edin Platter Co

Tell me a bit about your business.

We create platters and grazing tables for events such as weddings, birthdays, parties or just simply a little pick me up cheese platter for yourself.

What made you decide to start it?

Growing up in Edinburgh, I spent most of my young life travelling to different European countries trying different meats and cheese (the smellier the better). My passion is evident throughout my work, as I pour my absolute heart into each and every platter. In 2019, I noticed a gap in the market, so from there, Edin Platter Co was born - Edinburgh’s first grazing catering company.

What’s a typical day/week like in your shoes?

I work full time as an account manager at an administration company, as well as working full time on Edin Platter Co., so my weeks are pretty full on. I make sure I have a rest day every Sunday! I tend to reply to all my emails/admin in the evenings during the week. Friday lunch time, I go my supplier shop and Saturday mornings I make my platters. Baring in mind this is lockdown life. Not in lockdown, I can be up in Aberdeen catering a wedding at 9am, 12pm I'm at a Bar Mitzvah at the Boarders, then by 4pm, I'm doing platters for a launch party. Every week is different which I absolutely love!

What’s been the most difficult thing to get your head around when you started up?

Cash Flow! Always and forever haha. Me and numbers don't mix.

Have you encountered any hiccups along the way?

Christmas time was a bit of a hiccup. I was meant to have a commercial kitchen in the city centre which fell though last minute. However, it all worked out in the end and I had a friend help out.

How do you stay motivated?

A lot of coffee, music, podcasts and yoga. Yoga has saved my life. Would highly recommend.

What’s your main marketing took/social media platform? Are there any you want to try out that you haven’t had a chance to yet?

Currently I use Facebook and Instagram to promote and so far it's working out well. Eventually, I would love to have a website.

What’s next for your business?

I'm teaming up with a start up tech company in Edinburgh who promote self employed cooks. That's something to look out for. I'm also in the process of having a pop up in Edinburgh City Centre this Spring/Summer which i'm ecstatic about!!

Do you have any advice for other women looking to start their own business?

DO IT! Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams are unreachable or your business plan isn't good enough. If you work hard enough, anything is possible.

What do you do to relax?


And lastly, what did you have for breakfast?

I'm currently on a calorie deficit diet so it's banana, oat and honey smoothies for me every morning. (I blame the extra cheese stock)

Thanks Yaz! Great getting to know a bit about your life as a boss babe! If you're wanting to order one of Yasmin's delicious platters, head over to her Instagram page @edinplatterco for all the info you need. x

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